A series of paintings inspired by the shore
Featured Artwork (Sold)
Out of Gas in Springs
16 x 16 inches
Oil on 1.5 inch deep cradled panel
Whatever I paint means something to me one way or another, but this one particularly so. It’s really a homage to Edward Hopper’s painting ‘Gas’.
While staying at a house out in Springs, NY, most mornings I'd rise around 5am to head to the beach to catch the sunrise.
Most days, depending on the direction I was headed, I would pass this disused gas station. It belongs to the iconic Springs General Store, currently closed. As I understand, the owner has plans to refurbish the store back to something close to its original state.
The gas station part of the store has been dis-used for many years.
One morning as I was driving past, I noticed the gas pumps and lamps were illuminated. This was before sunrise. I practically screeched to a halt (fortunately nobody else around at 5am) and reversed back up the road. The scene was atmospheric. I was surprised to see lights on at all, since I knew the store is closed. I felt like it was a scene I was meant to paint.
I'm a huge, huge fan of artist Edward Hopper. In 1940, Hopper painted 'Gas' a composition from several gas stations that he had studied. This scene reminded me of that, and so this a homage to him of sorts.
I hope to do another painting at some point of the gas station and the store together, but for now I just wanted to capture these old gas pumps and lamps illuminating the forecourt. One of the gas pumps has a plant growing through it and another was only half illuminated. I love the sense of old America in this scene, and I'm so pleased to have captured this.
I was honored to have this painting shown at a juried show at The Edward Hopper House in December 2023.